Health & Safety Policy
Asfab considers health & safety to be the highest priority in what we do. We want everyone to be healthy and return home safely at the end of every working day. It is the policy of the business that all activities carried out are done so in accordance with the information contained in the following pages. All employees have agreed to this policy.
Asfab are committed to continuous improvement in the prevention of injury & ill health and we review our policy and procedures on an annual basis. Everyone is expected to work safely and have regard for the safety of others working around them and those who may be affected by their work.
We ensure our staff have a good understanding of health & safety risks and know what they are expected to do to manage these risks. We provide the necessary training to enable employees to carry out their health & safety responsibilities.
Senior management has overall responsibility for the implementation, monitoring and review of this policy.
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Asfab has a positive health & safety culture which is crucial to achieving a high level of performance to all. Everyone understands how their behaviours and actions impact on safety performance.
We ensure this policy is communicated to all employees within Asfab and is available to any and all interested parties.