Asbestos Policy & COSHH
Asbestos is a mineral made of microscopic fibres. If breathed in they can damage the lungs. It is only dangerous when the material is damaged or disturbed.
It is vitally important that before any work commences enquiries are made relating to the possibility of any Asbestos containing product being present on site.
Confirmation must be obtained from the Client/Main Contractor as to the situation regarding Asbestos.
In the event of discovery or suspected discovery whilst working all work must stop immediately, the area should be cleared, the Site Manager/Client and Asfab Management should be informed.
Work should not recommence until investigations/remedial action has taken place and authorisation to resume has been given.
Asfab have investigated and identified areas of the business which have Control of substances hazardous to health implications. With assistance from our material suppliers these areas/products are –
- Neoprene Contact adhesive
- Solvent Thinners
- Wood Dust
- Silicone sealant
Items 1 & 2 are handled, stored and used strictly in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations. All employees have seen and have access to the health & safety data sheets and the spray equipment used is mechanically ventilated.
Item 3 – All fixed wood working machines which create wood dust are mechanically extracted. Whilst using portable power tools staff are encouraged to use face safety masks.
Item 4 – Silcone Sealant – Low risk, see below form.